This iz owr woofie sister, Suzy, who lives owtside. She and Pluto will come inside the patio on Sunday nite when the fireboomies go off cuz they're scared of lowd noizes. And thares LOTZ of lowd noizes in owr nayburhood on New Years Eve nite. I get scared too but not as much as the woofies.
Yes, Suzy's the one who barks all the time at owr naybur kitty, Moby. But maybe that's cuz he likes to teeze her. When Momma carries me owtside to look arownd, she brings me offur to say "Hi" to Suzy, but she turns her head away. At least she duzn't try to bite me!
Suzy's so cute with her spotted ears! I was actually going to post Sammie for Wordless Wednesday and didn't. Guess I should've. Oh well! Next time Sammie!
The Humane Society sed that Suzy wuz part dalmayshun. That's ware the spots come frum. She ways more than all 4 of us kittys put togethur since the last time Momma wuz able to way her, she wuz 54 pownds!
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!
Who is this beautiful creature?
This iz owr woofie sister, Suzy, who lives owtside. She and Pluto will come inside the patio on Sunday nite when the fireboomies go off cuz they're scared of lowd noizes. And thares LOTZ of lowd noizes in owr nayburhood on New Years Eve nite. I get scared too but not as much as the woofies.
she has a furry sweet face. iz she the one who's not so fond of kitties? cause she looks nice.
Yes, Suzy's the one who barks all the time at owr naybur kitty, Moby. But maybe that's cuz he likes to teeze her. When Momma carries me owtside to look arownd, she brings me offur to say "Hi" to Suzy, but she turns her head away. At least she duzn't try to bite me!
Suzy's so cute with her spotted ears! I was actually going to post Sammie for Wordless Wednesday and didn't. Guess I should've. Oh well! Next time Sammie!
That's a cute white woofie - we likes the spotty ears!
The Humane Society sed that Suzy wuz part dalmayshun. That's ware the spots come frum. She ways more than all 4 of us kittys put togethur since the last time Momma wuz able to way her, she wuz 54 pownds!
Wat a sweetie lookin face she has! Is she nice to you? She better be coz you are our speshul furend.
She looks like she's got flat tires!
Suzy looks so cute! I haven't met a lot (well, any) dogs in real life, but I have doggie friends on the internet!
iz dat a cat in a d-o-g soot?
jus wunderin.
luv--yer frend--jh
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