Baby, where'd ya get those peepers! Lol! I think there are already two pix of you on the slide box at KCotD, but I just have to add this one too, hehee!
*blushes* Fank yu for the nice werds! When Momma sees boogers in mine noze, she cleens it wiff a wet Q-tip. I like it when she duz that and I'll sit still and purr fur her. But I'll sqwerm and kick when she's cutting mine back toe nails. The front feets are okay but the backs am ticklish! I effen put the bitey on her when she duz that to me.
Pumpkin, you'd be beautiful even with boogers! We just dropped by to tell you before it goes up on the Cat Blogosphere that we're having a special benefit over here for Mu Shue. Bring the gang & come over if you can!
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!
Anofur beeuteeful picshure of those blue eyes. We uses one of yur picshures on our 'puter as a screen saver so we see's dem purty eyes a lot.
Oooo what a booteefull pixchur. Pumpkin are yu ready fur yur close up? Oh yu look just like one of dem movie stars!
Baby, where'd ya get those peepers! Lol! I think there are already two pix of you on the slide box at KCotD, but I just have to add this one too, hehee!
Beautiful baby blue peepers, AND lookit those long eyebrow whiskers!
I love yer PINK noze!!
What beautiful eyes! And your coat looks so soft too!
You are a cutie - how do you keep yer nose so clean?
Oh my, what a vision!
Oh Pumpkin, yoo are sooooo hansum! Sadie and I bof think so and Speedy sed yeah, he's pritty kyoot fur a guy.
*blushes* Fank yu for the nice werds! When Momma sees boogers in mine noze, she cleens it wiff a wet Q-tip. I like it when she duz that and I'll sit still and purr fur her. But I'll sqwerm and kick when she's cutting mine back toe nails. The front feets are okay but the backs am ticklish! I effen put the bitey on her when she duz that to me.
What a beautiful picture of your big blue eyes!
wow! gorgeous picture!!!
Pumpkin, you'd be beautiful even with boogers! We just dropped by to tell you before it goes up on the Cat Blogosphere that we're having a special benefit over here for Mu Shue. Bring the gang & come over if you can!
The ArtsyCatsy cat staff
Beautiful blue eyes you have :)
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