I'm GLAD all the popping and booming has stopped and I can relax in peace agin. I'd much rather be ON the bed than UNDER it!According to the local noos, thare were lots less fires caused by fireworks. Only 24 fires insted of 57 like last yeer. Good fing it was a rainy nite!
Mom just shakes her head and asks if some beans always sit on der brains...only one area where we live was noisy and dat was idiots outside shooting off der guns. Dad sez it's okay cuz it's an area where dey is usually shooting at each other and hitting beans dey aint aiming for. Yoo'd think after a number of beans haf der houses burned down dey would learn not to shoot off dem stoopid fireworks. Maybe mom is right and a lot of dem do sit on der brains...
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!
Yes, we are glad the noises have stopped too so we can relax and nap! You sure look cozy on that bed, Pumpkin. Enjoy your weekend!
Those noises are very irritating and a little skeery. I hope the 24 fires got put out quickly.
Happy New Year!!!
I don't like those noises. Fortunately we didn't get a lot of them. Enjoy your snooze.
We don't unnerstand why New Year's hasta be so noisy!
Mom just shakes her head and asks if some beans always sit on der brains...only one area where we live was noisy and dat was idiots outside shooting off der guns. Dad sez it's okay cuz it's an area where dey is usually shooting at each other and hitting beans dey aint aiming for. Yoo'd think after a number of beans haf der houses burned down dey would learn not to shoot off dem stoopid fireworks. Maybe mom is right and a lot of dem do sit on der brains...
We dint hear anny firewerks at all. We're real glad about that... We hide unner the bed too wif that stuffs!
Happy New Year 2009!
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