Mancat Monday
Humf! the Food Lady is getting furgetful in her old age since she furgot all abowt mine berfday yestaday! 
I dint get a party, or purrsents or any speshul treets! She feels bad so maybe I'll get sumfing good in the next few days.
*hint* I WANT RAW FISH! I'm now offishully a teen-ager since I'm 13 yeers old. Fank yoo fur all the berfday wishes that I got yestaday on mine offishul berfday
THAT THE FOOD LADY FURGOT! Okay, I fink I'll calm down now and take a nap.

Labels: mancat Monday, Momma fergot Bebe's berfday
Happy Berfday, Bebe! We hope you get some fish!
Oh no! They forgot your birthday! I hate it when that happens!!!
Here I have some ham so we can share.
It's just not good enough when the Beans forget your birthday. Make her feel guilty for at least a week.
You should get double the presents and raw fish cuz she forgot. Happy Birthday!
Happy Purrfday! Geez. How could she furget? Yoo should get tripple da amount of fish now to make up fur it.
Tell Mom to get little bait fish froma store. They are so cool ta catch and they taste great!
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