Monday, April 19, 2010
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!

Way to support the ASPCA, Pumpkin!
Pumpkin, you look pawsome in your orange scarf!! This is a great cause!!
You look great in your orange scarf, Pumpkin!
We're all adoptees too, from a couple of Canadian SPCA-affiliates.
You look great in your orange scarf!
We agree, all kitties should haf a loving fureffur home!
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