Happy Halloween!
Momma bawt me a Halloween bandanner to ware fur Halloween. I only agreed to ware it fur a little wile. It crushes mine floofy nek furz! Fank yoo agin to Zoolatry fur the wunderful pikchur yoo made ov me. Momma bin using it as her screen saver all munth at home and at werk!

That's a beeyoutiful kerchef, but weze kin see how it wood krush yur nek furs.
Lovely graphic by Zoolatry!
Luf, Us
Very cute photos Happy Halloween :)
You Halloween neckerchief is very handsome even if it does mess up your furs.
Happy Halloween
FAZ the Wimbledon Witch
I do not mind wearing scarf so much, but then, I am not as fluffy as you!
Happy Halloween - you look very handsome in your kerchief. Be safe!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
You can brush yor furs all up again aftur Halloween. Don't let dat spoyl your evenin.
Happy Halloween!!!
Do you want to see my terrifying photos? Muhahahaha!
Happy Halloween!
*thud* There goes Sadie again...She started to say dat she wanted to be da one to crush yoor neck furs, wrap her paws around yoo and den she just passed out. We must agree, yoor furry cute.
You look very handsome in your kerchief! Happy Halloween!
Pumpkin, you look very handsome in the Halloween kerchief. Even if your neck furs are a little crushed.
What a purrty picher! An' it matches yur name!
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