Gerl Poodins
Afta bean surrownded only by mancats fur a long time, thare are finally othur gerl cats in this howse.
Mama Cat finally has a name. Aunty Leona and Uncle Stan decided to call her Sophie. Today is thare 1 munth Gotcha Day. They've settled in and thare's no more hissing or growling. Sophie went to the vet on Monday and gotted stabbed. He sed she's abowt 3 yeers old and had kittens afore. He sed he wants her milk to dry up afore he duz her ladygardenectomy so the beans are trying to figure owt how to keep Penny frum nursing. The vet sed she'll keep making milk as long as Penny nurses and efurrytime Sophie lies down, Penny nurses.
Either Sophie or Penny mite need to be locked up in mine cage agin or else one of them mite haff to go liff wiff Aunty Lynette and Uncle Frank fur a while. Thare still deciding.Labels: momma cat and kitten, Penny, Sophie
Penny and Sophie are both lovely - happy one month Gotcha Day to them both! I am glad there is less hissing around your house, Blackie.
Well... I'm rather partial to Sophie as a name
Um, we asked Sadie since she is da only one around here who was effur a momma cat and she sed dat she just gots tired of dem kittens nursing and started pushing dem off. Speshully after dey gots bigger and maked her nipples hurt wif der teefs. She sez some momma cats will let kittens nurse well past da 8 week mark and dat is just silly cuz dey can eats real food. She sez dat if Penney is at least 8 weeks der is no reason fur her to keep nursing and to just seperate dem...We is glad to know dat Sophie and Penney will haf a good home.
My breeder took my kits away from me. However, if she hadn't, when I got tired of nursing, I'd have pushed them away... sigh.
Sophie is a good name for the Mummy cat and I LOVE the name Penny for the baby, they are both adorable. Not as adorable as you guys, but cute just the same ; )
Sophie and Penny are very cute!! I bet you are glad there is no more hissing Blackie ,heehee
Definitely different rooms fer Sophie and Penny!
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