Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Fun

Thare's a noo cartoon made by Simon Tofield, the same bean that made Cat Man Do and Let Me In! Momma is still laffin!

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At 7/25/2008 5:39 AM, Blogger Tybalt said...

I do that same stuff all of the time!

At 7/25/2008 8:15 AM, Blogger Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We think Simon really needs to learn to feed da kitty da first time she makes gaggy noyzes when Speedy does dat back feet on da chest, front paws in da lap, butt in yoor face thing. Den she gets a wipe and cleans his tushie.

At 7/25/2008 12:44 PM, Blogger Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We love the Simon's cat videos. Mum sez that is just like me except I don't haf to wait furr my food.

At 7/25/2008 1:55 PM, Blogger Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Heeeeeeeeehehehe Simon needs to learn to feed the kitty sooner!

At 7/25/2008 4:46 PM, Blogger Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Simon's Cat is SO COOL! The Big Thing loves him too. We all laff lots. Propably fer different reasons though...

At 7/26/2008 8:34 PM, Blogger Black Cat said...

Simon's Cat videos are so funny, I love them:) xxx

At 7/27/2008 11:32 AM, Blogger (angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That is hilarious! My mommy watched it twice and couldn't stop laughing.


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