Floofy Friday
In honor of Fat Eric who started Floofy Friday, here are sum of mine floofiest pikchurs.

Poor Fat Eric had part of his floofiness shaved off by the v-e-t becuz he had a sick tummy and coodnt keep his rear end frum getting stinky and he's vury embarrased by this. ::shudder!:: Purrs to Fat Eric in hopes that NEXT week will be better than THIS week when he had to go to the v-e-t, got stabbed and shaved, had flee medicins putted on his nek and on top of that, had his claws clipped too! (Momma is planning to put the flee medicins on US this weekend cuz she saw a flee on Penny and the v-e-t saw fleez on Sophie yestaday when she had her stitches taken owt.)Labels: Fat Eric, Floofy Friday, Sammy is bringing flees in the howse
Wordless Wenzday - Relaxing

Labels: relaxing on the cowch, wordless Wenzday
Tabby Tuesday
Look how big Penny is growing! She looks almost as big as her mommy and she's only 4 1/2 munths old.
Momma wayed them both tonite and Sophie is 7.9 pownds (she lost a little bit of wate after her ladygardenectomy) and Penny is only 4.1 pownds. She looks big but she can still fit under the compyooter monitor when Momma is werking on owr blog.
I haffent been able to fit under thare fur a long time!
Labels: Penny is growing up, tabby tuesday
Not The Mama Monday
Hey Mo, this wun's fur yoo! Fanks for all yu've dun for kitties who need help. We reely luf yu!

Labels: Mo's the best, Not the Mama Monday
Formerly Feral Friday
Us former feral poodins like to hang owt togethur in the liffing room. I don't mind sharing the coffee table wiff Penny. She follows any poodin she sees, not just her Mommy.
Yestaday, Aunty Leona stuffed Sophie in the PTU (prisoner transport unit, a.k.a. the cat carrier) and took her to the v.e.t.
When she came back, she had a shaved tummy and 3 stitches. (She has to go back next week to take owt the stitches.)
She had her ladygardenectomy so Penny is her last kitten. She's okay but fur sum reason, she's being vury affekshunate to the Lady and keeps following her arownd and rubbing on her. Maybe it's the drugs! Labels: formerly feral Friday, Sophie had her ladygardenectomy
Wordless Wenzday - Cat Stack

Labels: wordless Wenzday
Tuesday Tummy and Tung
Mine floofy tummy is only fur display.
Look but don't touch!
Fank yu.
Labels: floofy tummy, tummy Tuesday, tung
Big Man Cat Monday
Since Sophie and Penny moved in, I'm no longer the smallest cat in this howse! See how much bigger than them I are?
Well, Momma sez since I still way only 10.6 pownds, a lot of mine size is FLOOF! But Sophie ways 8.1 pownds and Penny ways 4 pownds... fur now. She's getting long and skinny, but rite now I'm still bigger than them.Labels: I'm a BIG man cat, man cat Monday
In Memory of Sprout
Our thawts are wiff Monty Q and little Violette Noelle's fambly at this sad time. In honor of her, since we're in Hah-why-eee, sum of us wore a violet lei in her memory.

Friday Fun - Boxes!
Boxes! I luff boxes! Any empty box I find is MINE!

Labels: boxes, Friday fun
Growing Tiny Tabby
Sophie and Penny moved in 3 months ago today.
When Penny furst got heer, Momma cood hold her in wun hand.
She's getting long and skinny and now ways 4 pownds.
If she duzzent stop growing, she'll soon be bigger than ME!
Labels: Penny, Tabby Toosday
Heaven's Newest Angel

We were vury shocked and saddened to heer that Monty Q's little Sprout has gone to heaven. Owr eyes are leeking so much and owr hearts go owt to Violette Noelle's fambly. Owr thawts and purrayers are wiff yu at this vury sad time. Sleep easy little angel!

Labels: Monty Q's baby Sprout, the saddest noos of all, Violette Noelle
Formerly Feral Friday
Sophie and Penny haff been heer almost 3 months now. All the poodins in this howse are getting along wiff them.

In 2 weeks, Sophie is getting her ladygardenectomy so no more kittens fur HER! And Grandmaw isn't talking abowt sending Penny to the pet shop any more so I gess they fownd thare fureffer home wiff us!
Labels: formerly feral Friday
Tabby Tuesday Tung
Wanna see mine tung?
Labels: tabby tuesday, tung
Man Cat Monday
I'm taking offur Grandpaw's place at the brekfest table. He wuz nice enuff to leave me the sports page and remote control. He wuz reeding abowt Parker McLachlin winning his golf game and wuz reely happy cuz Parker is frum Hah-why-eee. But I'd rather watch the Animal Planet insted of golf. Momma, can yu change the channel fur me? Pleeze?
Labels: Animal Planet vs golf, man cat Monday