Monday, November 10, 2008

Mancat Weekend Report

Sum kittys were bad this weekend. Penny peed on the cowch agin on Sataday. Grandmaw wuz mad as h*ll and woke up Momma and told her Penny had to go to the pownd. Momma finks that the stuff she uses to cleen the cushions isn't werking good enuff and wants to get them cleened by purr-feshunal cleeners. Penny better keep her pee OFF the cowch and IN the litterbox if she knows what's good fur her.

Tiger picked a fite wiff Penny. Maybe he wuz mad at her cuz she peed on his love seat cushion. Penny is REELY LOWD when she's mad but she wuzzent hurt.

Bebe unrolled the toilet paper agin. The beans need to lern not to leeve any part hanging down cuz Bebe will see it and pull it and start the unrolling.

I wuz good. I don't know why Grandmaw duzzent like it when I lie on the kitchen table. Nobody wuz using it at the time!

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At 11/10/2008 4:37 AM, Blogger Everycat said...

Poor Penny, she's having a time of it. Something is making her pee. She's telling you something is making her anxious or she hurts when she pees maybe?

Pumpkin you have some peacekeeping to do I think!

At 11/10/2008 6:01 AM, Blogger The Island Cats said...

Poor Penny...are you sure she doesn't have a UTI? If you are, may be something else is bothering her...

At 11/10/2008 6:22 AM, Blogger Gemini and Ichiro said...

Poor Penny. That is a very frustrating thing.

At 11/10/2008 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We agree. Penny must have an infection. Mom totally surrendered to us on the table thing. Keep at it, you probably only need to endure the "NO" a few thousand more times before they give up.

At 11/10/2008 7:12 AM, Blogger Honey P. Sunshine said...

i see nothin wron wif sittin on the kitch-hen table win nobody is usin it

At 11/10/2008 10:03 AM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

poor Penny, sounds like a 'fekshun in her bladder or somefin. has your mommy used Nature's Miracle to clean the cushions? Our mommy says that if it's possible to put the cushions in the washer and pour in the nature's miracle in the wash and rinse cycles. Put at least the cover in the washer if she can and then take some plastic like saran wrap and wrap the cushion part up before you put the cover back on.

At 11/10/2008 11:09 AM, Blogger Cafe Cats said...

There is another Bebe? How is that possible? I am Bebe.

Dr. Bill gave Cloud Chaser some anti-incontinent pills, but I don't see what peeing has to do with not being able to take over a continent.


At 11/10/2008 11:52 AM, Blogger Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yeah, what da Meezer's mom sed. Mom uses some weerd stuff to clean messes wif, smells like nothing but makes da spot "disappear" so none of us is attracted to go in da same spot. Yup, it's Nature's Miracle. We agree that der is something wrong making Penney peepee where she shouldn't. Even if it's just stress...


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