Happy Squillion Day

The mini 'ramic squillions in owr howse were happy to pose fur a pikchur on mine Pumpkin Spice snuggle wiff the furry fake poodins as we celebrate Squillion Day.

Labels: squillion day
Wordless Wenzday - Sophie

Labels: wordless Wenzday
Tuxie in the Sun
It's been kinda cold (fur Hah-why-eee) with the temperchur getting down to the 60s at nite. I'm glad the patio has nice sunbeams in the morning ware I can warm up.
Labels: sunbeams, tuxie Tuesday
Mancat Napathon
Yup, Tiger and me spent all Sunday aftanoon on Grandmaw's bed. She gave up on chasing us off her bed and only duz that when SHE wants to take a nap. Zzzzz...
Labels: mancat Monday, power napping
Floofy Toes Friday
Tho I submitted Toosday's floofy toes pikchur fur Cosmo's Toehawk Challenge, heer are much better pikchurs that show off how cleen and shiney mine toe furs are and mine kyoot PINK toes. Since I don't go owtside, it's easy to keep mine feets cleen. And, yes, my floofy toes make me go sliding across the kitchen floor when I'm running fast!
Labels: floofy toes, toehawks
Wordless Wenzday

Labels: wordless Wenzday
The noo cowch is lots darker than the old cowch so yoo can reely see mine toe furs against it.
Labels: noo cowch, Toesday
Mancat Monday
Momma kept talking abowt all the other poodins napping on the peepul beds so I surprised her by joining Bebe on Grandmaw's bed. He dint mind the company and it wuz vury cumftable. I fink I'll try this agin (effen tho Grandmaw wuz kinda upset by us taking offer her bed.) Labels: mancat buddies, napping
Hanging Owt Together
Effer since Penny went away, Sophie's been following me arownd. She effen jumps up on Momma's bed wiff me. I don't mind so much but she needs to lern to keep her booty owt of mine face!
Friday Furrends
Most of the poodins in this howse don't mind sleeping NEXT to each other but we don't cuddle. Me and Bebe like to share Grandpaw and Grandmaw's bed.
Labels: furrends, napping, sharing Blackie's cage
Wordless Wenzday - Lizard!

Labels: lizard, wordless Wenzday
Mancat Monday
Momma wuz passing a store on Friday and saw a real live fake poodin in the window that reminded her of ME so she bawt him.
He's bigger than Mini Me and he's covered in bunny fur too but at leest he's not napping and yoo can see he has bloo eyes just like mine. 
But he duzzent blink and he's winning all of owr staring contests!

Labels: anuthur fake poodin, mancat Monday