Blackie is feeling better and isn't hiding all the time but is sleeping on her cage wiff me agin. She's still purrty skinny, but she's asking fur stinky goodness in the morning tho she duzzent eat vury much. Grandpaw saw her running arownd the patio so I gess she's not kwite reddy fur The Bridge yet.
Oh goodness, Blackie, we hate to hear you are getting skinny and not eating much. When Cal's appetite dropped off the vet prescribed some stuff called mirtazapine (rameron) it did help to give him an appetite, right till the end. Please eat sweetheart! Running around the patio is good!
We're glad that you're feeling a bit more like yourself Blackie. Please try to eat a bit to keep your strength up. It's good to see you enjoying time with your regular nap partner.
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!
Oh goodness, Blackie, we hate to hear you are getting skinny and not eating much. When Cal's appetite dropped off the vet prescribed some stuff called mirtazapine (rameron) it did help to give him an appetite, right till the end. Please eat sweetheart! Running around the patio is good!
well Blackie, starting to eat is a good thing - try and eat a little more each time!! we is glad you is doing better.
Maybe yoo could encuraje her to eat a little more, Pumpkin. We'z glad she is feeling better, enjoy yoor naps together.
Oh Blackie, we do hope you eat more and gain more strength!! We hope you feel much better soon!!
Oh we're glad Blackie is feeling a little better and is eating some!
We're glad that she is eating a little more. You need to be strong though,and get more strength. Purrsss
I'm glad to hear that she is eating some. Hopefully she will continue to get better!
We're glad that you're feeling a bit more like yourself Blackie. Please try to eat a bit to keep your strength up. It's good to see you enjoying time with your regular nap partner.
Gypsy & Tasha
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