The Food Lady bawt a noo flashy box yestaday and wuz prakticing it on me. She sed it wuz time fur an upgrade... whateffer THAT meens! Maybe she wanted a noo color since this wun is purple and the old wun is silver. As long as the flashy lite duzzent go off, I don't mind (since I wuz lying next to her anyways and dint haff to move.)
Summer is awlmost heer and it's hot. Welll, in Hah-why-eee, it's awlmost ALWAYS hot. I like to lie in the liffing room under the ceeling fan to cool off mine tummy. And Bebe likes to lie heer too!
Happy Berfday to a Spechul Lady! ML is a grate furrend to poodins in need and helps make the Cat Blogosphere a wunderful place to hang owt. Sending lots of purrs and hugs to yoo!
Heer I am in mine typical tucked-in paws position. It's a good way to keep yore feets warm but I wuz doing this on a warm aftanoon like it usually is heer in Hay-why-eee.
One yeer ago today, I wuz cawt and stuffed in a cat carrier wiff mine kitten Penny, and came to live in this howse.
We lived in Blackie's cage fur abowt a week before we were let owt. Penny went to live wiff anudder fambly when she wuz 8-munths old but I'm still heer wiff Pumpkin, Tiger, Bebe and Blackie.
Mine favrit toys are the squiggles that we gotted frum DKM. I carry them all offur the howse wile I talk to them. The Food Lady knows when she heers me that I'm walking arownd carrying a squiggle wiff me! I'm the only wun who plays wiff them.
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!