Since I don't go owtside, Momma walked arownd the yard and took pikchurs of the flowers she saw to show me. Grandmaw luffs orchids so she gets orchids as purrsents.
Thare are lots of purty red flowers too.
Red Torch Ginger Bougainvillea
Effen the pot of green onion that Grandmaw uses fur cooking had a flower!
I like to nap behind the chair by the window in the liffing room ware I can watch the birdies owtside and enjoy a little bit of the aftanoon sun. I woke up to find Momma lying on the floor and crawling under the coffee table to take mine pikchur. She dint fit vury well under thare!
We got to watch Aunty Leona's woofie, Chloe, fur a day last week. She's 14 and can't see anymore so she duzzen't chase us. Sophie dint know that so she watched Chloe frum a distance. Chloe is a chiwawa woofie and ways only 7 pownds so all us poodins are LOTS bigger than she is.
Momma is still playing wiff her noo flashy box and made a movee of me and Sophie playing slappy paws. Sophie is lazy and always plays wiff me wile lying down and makes ME do all the werk!
Blackie's cage looked purty empty since she's no longer heer to sleep on it so me and Sophie have claimed it as owr nite-time sleeping spot. The pad still has Blackie's smells on it so we fink of her when we're sleeping heer.
It's me, Blackie, reporting frum the Rainbow Bridge. The sun is shining, the birdies are chirping and thare are so many of mine furrends heer fur me to watch as they play. Tho I miss mine cage, thare's a vury nice tree fur me to climb ware I can watch efurryfing below. I want to fank efurryone who left such nice messages fur mine fambly. Mine furrends in the Cat Blogosphere are the greatest. And fank yu fur the wunderful tribute that they posted fur me on Sataday.
Oh, Bonnie Underfoot and Oreo just ran past mine tree! I gotta say, Hi! Bye, fur now!
Pumpkin's Momma here: Yesterday we made the sad decision that it was time to help Blackie on her way to The Rainbow Bridge. She had stopped eating completely and had shrunk down from 11 pounds to only 6.6 pounds. She was literally just skin and bones. We though it was just her kidneys that were failing but on her final trip to the vet, Dr. Lau felt a hard lump in her stomach and he said it was cancer and he thought that it had even spread to her liver. It seems like we've had Blackie forever. The patio seems empty without Blackie holding court from the top of her cage. She lived a very long life with us. We're not sure exactly how old Blackie was since she was already an adult when she was found, but we're pretty sure she was at least 20. She's now pain free at The Bridge, eating all the stinky goodness that she wants and munching on the grass that she loved. She will be missed. Aloha, sweet Blackie.
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!