Quincy's Gotcha Day
Hey Quincy! Today is yore Gotcha Day!
Yep, today is Quincy's 26th Gotcha Day! He's a reely, Reely, REELY old birdie.
AHEM! I beg your pardon? I'm still in the prime of my life! I bet you won't look THIS good when YOU'RE 26!
Wordless Wenzday

Labels: wordless Wenzday, zzzzzzzzzzz
Mancat Monday
Ahhhh! Nek skritches feel sooooo good!
Labels: mancat Monday, nek skritches
Wordless Wenzday

Labels: green eyes, wordless Wenzday
Waiting Pays Off!
Sumtimes, patience...
is rewarded! 
Labels: enjoying cat grass
Momma's Home!
Momma came home last Wenzday frum her trip to Noo Orleans. Wile she wuz thare she bizited Oak Alley Plantation,
went on a dinner cruise on a paddleboat on the Mississippi, had beignets at Cafe du Monde,
went on a carriage ride (the mule's name wuz Pumpkin Pie!)
held a baby alligator named Marshmallow,
ate all kinds of yummy foods, and had lots of fun! But I'm glad she's back. Howeffer, she has to go back to werk today. I got nobody but Sophie to nap wiff agin!
Labels: fun in Noo Orleans, Momma's home
Wordless Wenzday
Labels: sunbeams, wordless Wenzday
Momma's Going on Baycayshun!
Uh oh! The sootcase is owt and Momma's packing cuz she's leeving tonite fur WUN HOLE WEEK!
She's going to Noo Orleans fur her annyooul Booty and the Beest Convenshun. That meens that we get to nag Grandmaw fur owr stinky goodness. At leest Momma's not going to furget she has poodins waiting fur her at home!
Labels: Momma is going on baycayshun
Mancat Monday
Napping ON TOP of boxes is just as good as napping INSIDE them.
Thare's lots of room to stretch owt. 
Labels: boxes, mancat Monday
Woofie Watching
Aunty Leona had to werk on Mao-whee so we watched Chloe fur two nites. Since she can't see, we put a fence arownd her so that she duzzent wander away and get lost. I watched her frum the back of the cowch.
Then I watched her frum closer up.
And then effen closer.
We did a good job of watching Chloe!
Labels: Chloe, woofie watching