When I wuz a baby poodin, yu cood reely see mine tabby stripes. But when I got big and mine floof grew in, most of mine stripes went away. Howeffer, Tiger got MORE spots and stripes when he grew up. He effen got more "gingery"!Furs can reely change when a poodin grows up!
Today is Admissions Day, which is a State holiday, but Momma still has to werk. Bummer! Maybe her boss will let her go home early so that I can nap wiff her. It's bin 50 yeers since Hah-why-eee became a State and you can lern abowt it by clicking here. Thare's all kinds of speshul shows on TV abowt this milestone anniversary but I hope nobody sets off firewerks. I HATE lowd noises!
It's HOT! Effen at nite, it's HOT! So me an Tiger bin spending LOTS of time in the liffing room under the ceeling fan.
Hurry-cane Felicia that efurrywun was watching fur awile only dumped a little bit of rain on us and it dint get vury windy so it dint cool fings down vury much.
Momma is still laffing at the newest Simon's Cat video. I'm not so good at catching flies. Buggies are more my speed. TIGER is the fly catcher in OWR fambly.
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!