The mancats in this howse LUFF munching on grass. Quincy saw Momma making a movee of us and started yellin' fur attenshen so he got put in the movee too. (Yes, thare's a bizzy street rite owtside owr howse so it's VURY noizy heer.)
When I wuz an owtside feral poodin, I dint haff fun toys to play wiff. I luff mine squiggles! And I fownd a noo toy to play wiff too. Pumpkin sez it's a candy rapper but it's just as much fun as a paper ball!
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!