Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Noo Yeer's Eve!

Tonite I'll be hanging owt under the bed wile the nayborhood beans try to blow up the werld.
Efurry yeer it gets reely LOWD owtside arownd midnite when all the fire boomies go off. Effen now, sum idjit beans can't wait and set off big BOOMS efurry now and then. This yeer we bin getting lots of big BOOMS and not just bangs and pops like usual. Momma sed it's just a matter of time afore sum idjit blows off thare hand with these homemade bombs.

Benson the owtside woofie is all skeered and made a big hole in the door trying to get in the howse!
Grandpaw will let him stay inside the patio when it gets reely noisy owtside so that he feels safe tonite.

I wish efurry poodin and woofie and bunny and bean have a safe and happy noo yeer!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wordless Wenzday

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thare's a Tree in the Howse!

It's that time of yeer ware the beans put a tree in the liffing room.
We're vury good poodins and leeve the tree alone so this yeer the beans used the glass ornnymints on the tree. The bestest part is the noo mancat hideowt under the table! Me and Tiger and Bebe take turns napping heer. Sophie purfers Momma's bed.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Flashback Friday

A long time ago, back when I wuz still drinking milk frum a bottle and afore I wuz big enuff to haff the run of the howse, I lived in a box. I'm glad I don't haff to live in a box anymore!

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wordless Wenzday


Monday, December 14, 2009

Mancat Monday

Since Pumpkin and Sophie mostly hang owt with each other, that means that me and Bebe get to keep each other company. Heer we are in the liffing room doing arm stretches together.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Two Tummies on Tuesday

Me and Sophie like to nap on Momma's bed. But Sophie hazzen't lerned to leeve enuff room fur Momma and if Momma wants to lie down too, she has to roll Sophie owt of the way. I always lie against the wall to leeve plenty of room fur Momma. That's why she sez I'm a good nap buddy!

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wordless Wenzday
