Mancat Monday - LOCKED OWT!
Crappity crap crap crap! Grandma and Grandpa are back frum baycayshun and we're locked owt at nite and can't sleep wiff Momma anymore. What if she gets lonely? What if monsters try to git her? We don't like being locked owt! Labels: locked owt, mancat Monday
Wordless Wenzday
Labels: Mr. Floofy, wordless Wenzday
Mancat Monday
Me and Tiger enjoyed the macheen cooled air in the liffing room wile hanging owt on the luv seat this weekend. Grandpaw and Grandmaw are in San An-tony-o bisiting the grand beans so it's just Momma taking care of us poodins (and Benson and Quincy too). I get to sleep wiff her at nite instead of being locked owt in the patio! (Shhh, don't tell Grandmaw if yoo see her!)
Labels: mancat Monday
Purring fur Maxie
We're purring as hard as we can heer in Hah-why-eee fur a miracle to save owr Gorgeous Ginger furrend Maxie!
Labels: purring fur Maxie
Wordless Wenzday
Labels: wordless Wenzday
Tiger's Gotcha Day
Today is mine 7-yeer Gotcha Day! I was lost and living in the hedge owtside when I was lured by stinky goodness, cawt, stuck in a tub of soapy water and got to live as an inside poodin.

Inside is MUCH better than the hedge!

Labels: the hedge cat, Tiger's gotcha day