Meowy Chrissymouse
Meowy Chrissymouse! And happy hollydays to efurrywun!
Labels: Chrissymouse
Attack of the Santy Hat
Oh noes! The Santy hat is back!
Crappity crap crap crap!
Labels: the evil Santy hat
Happy Berfday to Me!
It's mine berfday! I'm now (maybe) 6 yeers old today. Momma's not shoor since I'm a formal feral poodin and she duzzen't know exactly when I wuz borned. Maybe I'll get extra treets today!

Labels: Pumpkin's Berfday
Tiger's Gotcha Day
It's been 8 yeers since Momma took be owt of the hedge and brawt me into the howse. I don't effer want to to back owtside!

Labels: the hedge cat, Tiger's gotcha day
It's Mine Gotcha Day
Three yeers ago I wuz living owtside until I wuz stuffed in a P.T.U. and came to live in this howse wiff mine kitten Penny.

Penny is living wiff another fambly now but I'm still heer. Pumpkin is mine furrend, the Food Lady gives me stinky goodness (I'm 3 pownds heavier than when I moved in) and thare are lots of toys to play wiff.

This is a GRATE fureffer home and I'm happy I'm now an indoor poodin!
Labels: Sophie's Gotcha Day
Wordy Wednesday
Momma has been reely lazy abowt posting lately. She sez thare hazen't been anyfing noo to post abowt. But a few weeks ago thare wuz a strange looking woofie in the yard owtside keeping Benson company.

Hiz family wuz on the mainland so we watched Shiloh fur 5 days. He chases poodins so he had to stay owtside. And Sunday wuz Easter. We didn't get baskets of goodies, but I fownd these.

At least I got to smell them until Momma put them away. That's okay cuz Tem-tay-shuns smell LOTS better! And tastes better too!

Labels: Easter, peeps, strange woofie, tem-tay-shuns, wordy Wednesday
Free Methimazole
Before Bebe went to The Rainbow Bridge last yeer, he wuz taking pills for his thyroid condishun. Momma has lots of Methimazole pills left and wuz gonna flush them away but if any poodin or woofie can use them, she'll mail them to you and pay the postage. But ONLY if you're already taking these pills. We don't wanna make anywun sick by taking medysins yoor not supposed to. We haff 122 pills (4 munths worth if yoo take a pill efurry day) and thare good until Oct 2011. E-mail Momma at if yoo want sum or all of them.

Labels: free Methimazole
St. Patrick's Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

(I like this button MUCH better than the stoopid bow tie frum last yeer!)
Labels: St. Patrick's Day
Mancat Monday
Wun nite last week, sirens were going off and all the beans wuz worried cuz a big erthqwake in Japan wuz sending a big wave owr way. Thare wuz sum damage on Maui and the Big Island but we're okay heer in Honolulu. We don't live close to the o-shun so we dint have to run to higher grownd. Momma got to stay home on Friday cuz her office wuz closed. I'm glad Hah-why-eee dint get hit by ginormus waves but we're sendng lots and lots of purrs and purrayers to the poor peoples in Japan.
Labels: mancat Monday, tsunami, we're okay