Thursday, August 31, 2006

There Be Fev-vers Outside!

The bestest fings to watch outside are the birdies. Momma puts birdy seed by the window so they come close and we can see them better. Fanks, Momma!

Since Momma feeds them, some doves finks they live here and sleep on the 'lectric meter box in the garage and on the roof gutter at night. Too bad we don't go outside so we can get to know them better!


At 8/31/2006 4:33 AM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

look at all the fev-vers! oh boy!

At 8/31/2006 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fev-vers flewed ta Huh-why-eee? Is that where they went? We've been lookin fur 'em. Those're sum mighty fat an lookin little guys ya got there. Can ya stuff one or two in a box an mail 'em to me?

At 8/31/2006 7:48 AM, Blogger Pumpkin said...

I guess the fev-vers came to Huh-why-eee for va-cay-shun! Momma won't let me out so I can catch them fur yu, Grr, so yu gotta wait 'til they fly home.


At 8/31/2006 8:21 AM, Blogger Rascal said...

Very yummy pictures. Did you chatter at them?

At 8/31/2006 10:38 AM, Blogger Pumpkin said...

No, nobuddy talked to the birdies. Bebe stared so hard he wuld forget 'bout the screen and try to POUNCE on them. The birdies flew away when Bebe banged on the window but came back a little later to eat more seeds.


At 8/31/2006 10:40 AM, Blogger Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh, those are the tasty grey birdies that Bubbles likes. Yes, stuff some in a box and send them over.

At 8/31/2006 12:48 PM, Blogger Katnippia said...

We miss our fev-vers that meowmize use to feeds. We had some really colorful ones to. So could you send us some of those fev-vers to Pumpkin. - Princess Sia

At 8/31/2006 2:49 PM, Blogger Tommy and Teaghan said...

We see (an hear) mournin' Doves but not Pigeons. Efun though we likes fevvers we doan want any pigeons aroun. Then Mommy will stop feedin them and we'll nefur see any birdies. But we never seen WHITE fev-vers afore. What am those? Other dovies?

At 8/31/2006 3:56 PM, Blogger Pumpkin said...

Hi, Princess Sia! Momma will send yu some of Quincy's fev-vers and I's gonna help her pick the ones with the mostest colors.

Momma gives the birdies 'keet seeds. She sed afore so many kitties lives here, she had 'keets that culd talk. She had green ones and blue ones. Only gray and brown birdies come to visit now. The little ones who fink they lives here are zebra doves. The bigger one we wuz watching is a spotted-nape dove. We also watches sparrows and sumtime mynah birdies come too.


At 8/31/2006 4:23 PM, Blogger Zeus said...

Those birds are just taking up residence like they own the joint! I think you need to show them who was there first!

At 8/31/2006 6:04 PM, Blogger Victor Tabbycat said...

Pumpkin, you are so lucky to haf fev-vers at yur place. There are birds nestin at our howse, but not where I can see them! I'm surprised the 5 birds stayed together fur that pictor wif the flashy fing.

At 8/31/2006 6:11 PM, Blogger Emma's Kat said...

OMGosh Rascal! Dante, my little foster, was chattering up a storm at a squirrel outside the window yesterday! So funny and cool to watch when they do that! Anyway, I think the dovies are pretty cute! What's that Pumpkin? Cute enought to eat? ;)

At 8/31/2006 8:04 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

So close and yet so far!

At 8/31/2006 11:15 PM, Blogger Pumpkin said...

The five birdies in a row is a fambly. Momma birdy and Daddy birdy iz on the ends. The babies wuld hop ofer each uddur to squeeze in the middle where itz warm. The flashy light on the silver box din't make them fly away 'cuz they wuz ready to sleep fur the night.


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