Pumpkin's World
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Two Tabbies on Tuesday
Labels: Bebe, Tabby Toosday, Tiger, tummy
Monday, October 29, 2007
Mine Gotcha Day!
Labels: Gotcha Day
Friday, October 26, 2007
Friday Furrends
Tiger picked a fite wiff me the othur nite again. He likes to hang owt neer mine cage and tries to push me arownd but I yell at him and the hyoomans come to chase him away. Howeffer, I don't mind when Pumpkin wants to share mine cage. He stays on wun end and I stay on the othur end. As long as we don't touch, thare's no problum.Labels: sharing Blackie's cage, Tiger iz a bully
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tabby or Tuxie?
Labels: Bebe, finking ov joining the Tuxedo Gang, tabby or tuxie
Monday, October 22, 2007
Movie Monday - The Big Hissy
Me and Momma wuz playing wiff mine noo fev-ver toy that I gotted fur mine berfday. Yoo can't see him, but Tiger wuz coming closer and closer and I told him to wait hiz turn by giffing him a big hissy neer the end of this movee.Labels: fev-ver toy, movie Monday, the big hissy
Friday, October 19, 2007
Fun Friday
And I'm NOT sharing it wiff Tiger!
Labels: fun Friday, nip ravioli
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Noo Fev-ver Toy
I tryed to take the toy far away frum Tiger, but it wuz stuck to the string and I coodn't get away. I kinda surprized Momma when I cawt the fev-ver and tryed to run away wiff it!
I also got an award frum Rascal!
This iz such an honor and I'z glad yoo are enjoying mine blog. Fank yoo! In return, I'd like to pass this on to: The Kattonic Cats (waves paw at Sadie!), Millie the Bionic Kitty, and Kimo and Sabi.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Today I'm two, I fink! I wuz too yung to amember the day I wuz borned so Momma finks 2-weeks afore I wuz fownd iz mine berfday! Last yeer, we had a BIG erthkwake to celebrate. I'd rather haff a party! Thare are LOTZ ov toys to play wiff, and BUNCHES of treets to eet so teleport offur and help yoreself!Labels: mine berfday
Friday, October 12, 2007
Floofy Friday
I fink mine nek ixploded agin! Thare's too much floof fur the warm wether we bin haffing heer.Labels: Floofy Friday, floofy nek
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Tummy Tuesday - Mine Tummy Spot
Heer's a pikchur ov me showing off mine little rownd tummy when I wuz just 4-weeks-old. And look! I don't haff mine tummy spot yet!Momma took this pikchur yestaday when I wuz napping wiff her afta she came home erly frum werk cuz ov the Columbus Day holiday. I haff a grate big tummy spot NOW.
Labels: baby Pumpkin, tummy spot, tummy Tuesday
Monday, October 08, 2007
Man Cat Monday - Drinking Frum the Fawcet
Now I just haff to lern how to keep mine feet frum getting wet!
Labels: drinking frum the fawcet, man cat Monday
Friday, October 05, 2007
Flower Friday
When Momma went on baycayshun to the Big Island the last time, she bizited an orkid farm and took these pikchurs of sum of the bootiful flowers they grow thare. They cost LOTZ of green papers so she dint buy any. But they shoore are purrty!Thursday, October 04, 2007
Foto-Art Frum Zoolatry
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Two Tabbies and a Tummy
Labels: full monty, tabby tuesday, Tiger, tummy Tuesday
Monday, October 01, 2007
Movie Monday - Nip Ravioli
Labels: movie Monday, nip ravioli