Paper Balls
It's not a good idear to give paper balls a baff. It gets drownded and falls apart and yu end up wiff a wet peece of paper that yu can't play wiff.
Insted of making a paper ball tonite, Momma folded wun up to make a birdie.
This is called a crane. I bet if THIS gets a baff, it won't fall apart!
This is what Momma fownd when she came home frum werk today: Yep, I gave mine paper crane a baff! He din't fall apart but he got all soggy and now Momma has to make me a noo wun!
Labels: paper ball, paper crane
Paper balls don't do well in water at all. Very cool crane! That looks like a fun toy!
Our Mom has apparantly not learned this talent of making Cranes. She's pretty good at paper balls though.
Too bad about the paper ball in the bath. That's a nice crane your mom made for you, tho.
Papers make fun toys, and your crane is pretty. Too bad they fall apart in water. Who knew?
Drool......drool........oh the tasty paper looks so fun to play with!
The cranes hold together bettr, but they don't roll around as well.
I'll remember that about paper balls . . . that crane looks AWESOME!
That looks 10 times better then a paper ball!
Your Momma is very clever to make you a crane out of paper! Did you give him a bath?
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Nope I haffen't given mine crane a baff yet. I left him on the kitchen floor NEER the water bowl but I din't put him in. Yep Diamond, cranes don't roll so good but thare easy to carry arownd by the wings.
Your mom makes the greatest toys!
Good capture on that crane thingie!
(sigh) I wish our Mom knew how to make us paper toys. Can your Mom make you a mousie?
Your friend
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