Formal Feral Buddies
Me and Tiger sleep next to each other efurry nite.
Just like sumtimes, we nap next to each other in the aftanoons.
We're furrends.
Labels: formerly feral Friday, mancat buddies
Wordless White Whiskers

Labels: white whiskers, wordless Wenzday
Tabby Tuesday
It's time to change the rope on owr scratching post since it's all ripped up.

This is owr favrit scratching post.

HEY GRANPAW! We got a job fur yoo!

Labels: scratching post, tabby tuesday
Floofy Toes Friday
Since I'm a floofy poodin, it's not surprizing that I haff floofy toes. 
What IS surprizing is that Sophie, who has short smoothe furs, has sum toe floof too!

Labels: Floofy Friday, toes
Wordless Wenzday - Relaxing

Labels: disturbed nap, wordless Wenzday
Good Luck Penny!
Pumpkin's Momma here: As some of you might remember, Penny was a bad kitty last October when she started marking the couch and loveseat cushions when she went into heat the week before her scheduled spay surgery. Even AFTER being spayed, she continued to pee on the cushions. We thought it might be because we couldn't get the smell completely out of the cushions since the urine had soaked in so Dad finally broke down and gave in to Mom's request for new furniture and we bought a new love seat and sofa bed. All went well for a few weeks until the day we found wet cushions on the love seat. After Penny peed on the sofa bed cushions three days later, we sadly decided that we had to rehome Penny. 

I took her to the Hawaiian Humane Society on New Year's Eve and left her there on a consignment basis. If they couldn't find a home for her after 10 days, they'd call me and I could reclaim her. I'm happy to report that she was adopted last week! I hope her new family loves her as much as we did and spoils her rotten. GOOD LUCK, PENNY!
P.S. I took the cushion covers to the dry cleaners but they came back still smelling like cat urine! I sprayed the covers with Simple Solution Cat Stain & Odor Remover and it worked wonderfully. No more smells. And we haven't had a problem since then so it WAS Penny who was the culprit.
Labels: Penny finds a new home
Man Cat Monday
*brrrr* it's cold! Not as cold as other places ware thare's snow and ice on the grownd, but cold fur Hah-why-eee. It gets down to the lower 60s and duzzent effen get as high as 80 so fur US, that's cold! Momma is running arownd the howse waring socks and uses her floofy cumferter on the bed insted of her blankie. But I prefur to lie on her sheet so Momma makes a space just fur me.

Labels: cold days and colder nites, man cat Monday
Beyootiful Day
The winds efurrywun wuz afraid of neffer showed up. Lotsa beans are MAD and finks the offishuls offur-reacted when they closed most of the schools and City and State offices. Momma's just glad that it only rained a little bit and Sataday wuz a beyootiful day. She has a holiday on Monday so I get to nap wiff her. Napping is better when she's on the bed wiff me!
Windy Friday
It's supposed to be windy today. So windy that lotsa schools are closing. Lotsa State and City werkers are off. Thare effen closing the beeches! But Momma still has to werk. She's hoping that the power duzzent go off like it did the day afta Chrissymouse. We're glad we're indoor poodins so that the wind can't blow us away!
Labels: windy day
Wordless Wenzday

Labels: wordless Wenzday, yung Tiger
Floofy Tale Friday
Hehe, this pikchur makes mine floofy tale look GINORMUS!

Labels: floofy tale
Wordless Wenzday

Labels: reflection, wordless Wenzday
Sunbeams and a Rainbow
Fur all the poor poodins who are liffing in cold snowy places, we want to share sum of owr Hah-why-an sunbeams to warm yoo up.

Labels: man cat Monday, rainbow, sunbeams
Bebe's Gotcha Day
Today is mine TWELVE YEER Gotcha Day!

I wuz a lost little baby poodin when I wuz fownd

and now I'm the biggest and hansumest man cat in this howse! Hehehe!

Labels: Bebe's Gotcha Day
Finally Friday
I'm GLAD all the popping and booming has stopped and I can relax in peace agin. I'd much rather be ON the bed than UNDER it!
According to the local noos, thare were lots less fires caused by fireworks. Only 24 fires insted of 57 like last yeer. Good fing it was a rainy nite!Labels: finally Friday
Happy Noo Yeer!
The innernets is finally fixed but I'm not a happy poodin! The crazy naybor beans are trying to blow up the werld agin and I'm hiding under the bed.
Bebe and Blackie wernt scared, but efurrybody else, effen Benson the woofie, were scared. It wuz REELY LOWD fur a while but it's rainy and quiet now. Hopefully, thare wont be too many fires frum crazy beans shooting off rockets and popping firecrackers. I wish efurrywun a Happy Noo Year!Labels: Happy Noo Yeer