Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Have a safe and happy Halloween. When the yung sticky beans comes to yore howse to ask fur candy tonite . . . HIDE!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today is Mine Gotcha Day!

4 yeers ago, I wuz a tiny itty bitty lost baby poodin. Now I'm 12 pownds heavier, all hansum and floofy and happy in mine fureffer home. As Jeter Harris wood say, Life is Grate!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Mancat Monday

The Food Lady tried to dress me up fur Halloween pikchurs. NO WAY! I fawt off the dredded Halloween scarf (while Sophie watched) until I RIPPED it owt of the Food Lady's hands! THIS mancat duzzent do dress up!

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Fun Friday - Simon's Cat!

Momma went "squeeeee!" when she fownd owt thare wuz a noo Simon's cat cartoon. She's only sorry that it wuz so short. Liffing in Hah-why-eee, we don't get too acited abowt hot spots since thare's lots of sunny spots to stretch owt in, but any poodins liffing in cold places mite try this.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wordless Wenzday

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's Tock-Tober!

To celly-brate owr georgeous ginger furrend Derby's berfday, here are a few 'tock pikchurs to be cownted fur green papers for his shelter. This is such a grate idea!

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Friday, October 16, 2009

National Feral Cat Day

All 4 poodins in this howse are former ferals. Me and Sophie were fownd in Aunty Leona's yard, Bebe wuz fownd in a parking lot and Tiger wuz liffing in the hedge owtside. We're so happy that we're indoor poodins now and we hope that the feral poodins who don't haff a fureffer home or who want to stay independent owtside poodins haff a safe and healthy life. Happy National Feral Cat Day!

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Mine Berfday!

Today I'm ABOWT 4-yeers-old! Momma duzzent know my real berfday day cuz she wuzzent thare when I wuz borned but she sed I wuz abowt 2-weeks-old when I wuz fownd so she picked October 15 as mine berfday. WHOOT! I got SHRIMP! Well, me and Tiger bin getting shrimp efurry nite since Grandpaw got sum from the market but Grandmaw is gonna cook a noo batch fur me tonite! Getting shrimp is worth the wait!

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Friday, October 09, 2009

Frootbat Friday

When I wuz a yung poodin, mine big ears made me look like a frootbat. I kinda cawt up to mine ears now that I'm all grown up but back then, FROOTBAT!

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Wordless Wenzday


Friday, October 02, 2009

Flower Friday

Last week Momma wuz gone! She and her Aunty Pat went to Seattle to bizit her OTHER Aunty and Uncle and Cuzin and thare yung beans. They drove to Canada and saw LOTS and LOTS of purty flowers and trees at Butchart Gardens.

She dint bring back any flowers. She brawt back GERMS since she came home sick. But she sed she had to go to werk anyway cuz of somefing called "end of munth" and "end of quarter" and the dredded "bujit". She shood haff stayed home and rested but NO she had stuff to do at werk.

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