Go Orange for Animals
Since April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month at the ASPCA, I'm showing owr support by waring effen MORE orange than mine furs and waring an orange scarf. All the poodins in this howse are adopted strays so we are all lucky to have found a GRATE fureffer home. I wish all the poodins in the werld cood be so lucky!
Labels: ASPCA, go orange
Blackie's Cage
If yoo were wondering abowt yestaday's Wordless Wenzday pikchur, afta Blackie ran off to The Bridge, I took offur her cage. I sleep heer efurry nite and sumtimes I let Bebe or Sophie share the cage wiff me.
Tho I like the grate view frum the top of the cage, I'm also garding the PTUs (a.k.a. kitty carriers) that are stored inside the cage. Wheneffer a PTU is taken owt, one of us poodins goes to the V.E.T. so I'm making sure they can't get owt.
Labels: Blackie's cage
Wordless Wenzday
Labels: wordless Wenzday