Happy Halloween!
*sigh* I got drafted to ware the Halloweenie scarf this yeer. 
Okay, I wore it. Now take it off already! *grumble* Labels: Halloween, I am NOT a clothes model
It's Mine Gotcha Day
Five yeers ago I wuz found by Aunty Leona in her backyard and put in a bucket and brawt to Momma's howse.

We made a stop at a pet store to get a bottle and a can of KMR so that I woodn't starve.

And I grew up and got big and floofy. I'm glad that I wuz fownd and taken to the bestest fureffer home!

Labels: Pumpkin's Gotcha Day
Happy Berfday to Me!
Today I'm 5-yeers old! Momma's bin lazy abowt posting to mine blog lately but she remembered mine berfday and made Grandpaw buy SHRIMP fur me. I haven't had shrimp fur a long time and I reely enjoyed it. 
At leest Momma stocks up on treets when they go on sale so if any poodin wants to teleport offur to Hah-why-eee fur a bizit, I'll share mine treets wiff yoo!

Labels: mine berfday, shrimp, treets