Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Toys

Mine most favrit toys are SQUIGGLES!
I like to carry them arownd and The Food Lady laffs at me cuz I kinda go mew, mew, mew when I carry them. When she heers me coming, she knows I'm bringing a squiggle wiff me. She throws them out in the patio and I bring them back in the howse. Duz any other poodin talk to thare toys?

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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy Noo Yeer!

This is the last yeer that the beans can try to blow up the werld wiff thare fireworks. As of Sunday, fireworks will be banned except fur firecrackers with a permit.
I'm so glad! The beans heer in Hah-why-eee go CRAZY at Noo Yeer and spend lots of green papers to buy fire boomies to burn up. Benson got scairt and was put in the patio when it got reely lowd owtside and I spent the nite under Momma's bed.

This is what happened at midnite owtside:

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