Floofy Friday
Mine tale is vury floofy.
And THIS is what happens when I swoosh it when Momma is taking a pikchur.
Hehe, too fast fur the flashy box to focus!
Labels: Floofy Friday, floofy tale
Bebe Squillion Was Saved!
Afta the terribull accident that befell mine squillion last week, The Lady performed rekon-struk-tiff serjery and put him back togethur -- well more or less.
Sum peeces are missing but he's mostly whole agin and he's happy to be back together.
And I'm happy to haff him back. But he has to liff on the shelf behind the glass doors now so he duzzen't fall down agin. 
I gess Bebe Squillion is down to 8 lives now but he's heer to celebrate Squillions Day along wiff our virtual squillion, Marigold.
Labels: mine squillion wuz saved, virtual Squillion
Man Cat On the Job
Being a man cat takes a lot of time.
Go back to napping.
I fink I deserve overtime pay for werking so hard!
Labels: napping, werking hard at being a man cat
Formerly Feral Friday
When I wuz fownd more than 2 yeers ago, I wuz vury dirty afta crawling arownd all day in Aunty Leona's yard looking fur mine lost kitty momma. I coodn't see good, mine paws wuz caked wiff mud and I had flees. This pikchur wuz taken the day afta I moved into mine fureffer home.
A week later, afta drinking lots ov KMR, I grew a little bigger and I'm a lot cleener than affore.

Labels: baby Pumpkin, formerly feral Friday, KMR saved mine life
Poor Dead Squillion
Uh, oh! Pumpkin's Momma here. Look what I found when I got home from work today:

This used to be Bebe's lookalike squillion that Sparky Fuzzypants included as part of his secret paws package.
SOMEBODY (most likely my little climbing monster, Pumpkin) knocked him off the shelf and he smashed to pieces when he hit the Chinese chest below. Pumpkin MIGHT be innocent because Bebe is known to climb too and if Tiger sees a lizard or bug on the ceiling, he'll climb on the shelf to reach it. The only for sure innocent kitty is Blackie since she NEVER goes into the living room. Rest in pieces Bebe squllion!Labels: dead squillion, SOMEBODY was bad
Tummy Tuesday
Momma dint go to werk yestaday. Sumfing abowt it being Purrsidense Day. So she layed in bed and red her book and when her eyes got tired, she napped. And I helped. But she sed I'm a bed hog. Well, too bad! I like to stretch owt when I'm napping!
Labels: napping, tummy Tuesday
Midnight Monday - Golden Eyes
Heh, The Lady has a reely hard time getting a decent pikchur of me. If she uses the flashy lite, mine eyes get all glowy.

If she turns OFF the flashy lite, I get all blurry.

The trick is to take mine pikchur when I'm sitting in the sun. THEN you can see how purrty and golden mine eyes reely are!

Labels: Midnight Monday, pikchur taking tricks
Friday Fun
Since paper toys yooshully don't survive getting wet, try giffing yore krinkle ball a baff insted. They LIKE baffs!

Labels: Friday fun, paper ball, toy
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wore mine hart neklace to celebrate Valentine's Day... at leest fur a little wile. Then I tried to put the bitey on it so Momma took it off.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Labels: Valentine's Day, waring mine hart neklace
Paper Balls
It's not a good idear to give paper balls a baff. It gets drownded and falls apart and yu end up wiff a wet peece of paper that yu can't play wiff.

Insted of making a paper ball tonite, Momma folded wun up to make a birdie.

This is called a crane. I bet if THIS gets a baff, it won't fall apart!

This is what Momma fownd when she came home frum werk today:
Yep, I gave mine paper crane a baff! He din't fall apart but he got all soggy and now Momma has to make me a noo wun!
Labels: paper ball, paper crane
Frisky Friday
Must. Catch. Camera strap!

Labels: camera strap, Frisky Friday
Wordless Wenzday - Baby Tiger

Labels: baby Tiger, wordless Wenzday