Pumpkin's Jump

Momma posted this pikchur afore but she wants to enter it fur Kimo and Sabi's Jump and Shout Contest. She wuzzent prepared fur me to JUMP and only accidentally cawt me in the act when she wuz trying to take Quincy's pikchur. I did a standing 3.5 feet verticul leap strait up and got to touch Quincy's fev-vers!
*No birdie wuz hurted during the making of this jump. Labels: jump and shout contest, Pumpkin's jump
Friday Fun
Momma wuz trying to take mine pikchur, and I put the bitey on the camera strap. We had a fun game of tug-o-war and I almost yanked the flashy box out of her hands since I wuz pulling REELY HARD! She won this time but maybe I'll win the next game!

Labels: camera strap tug-o-war, Friday fun
Tiger's Tabby Tummy Tuesday
Tummy rub, please!
Labels: tabby tuesday, tummy Tuesday
Fun Friday
I got a noo hobby! Poodin watching!

Labels: mine noo hobby, momma cat and kitten
Wordless Wenzday

Labels: baby poodin, wordless Wenzday
Tabby Tuesday
The baby poodin who moved in DUZ kinda looks like Billy, but she's a GERL baby poodin. She and her momma duzzent haff names yet. She's really tiny and can effen fit under Blackie's cage.
Momma wayed her yestaday and she's only 1 pownd 4 ounces.
Aunty Leona sez she looks like her daddy but her momma also has a ginger tabby arm.
Tho she only drinks her momma's milk, Aunty Leona saw her chewing a crunchie that she fownd on the floor and she ate it all up.
I fink the plan is to find her a furever home when she's big enuff since Grandmaw sez 6 poodins is too many poodins in this howse. The momma poodin MITE get to stay after her ladygardenectomy serjery if nobody wants to take her. When she isn't protekting her baby, she's vury furrendly. She effen touched noses wiff Blackie agin. I'm keeping my distance so we haffen't offishully met yet. But I watch the both of them frum the kitchen. A lot. Labels: baby poodin, tabby tuesday
Mancat Report - The Noo Cats
It's been wun week since Aunty Leona brawt the momma cat and her baby to owr howse. The Lady used to put them in the PTU (prisoner transport unit, a.k.a. the cat carrier) when she cleened Blackie's cage ware they were liffing and she had to do this several times a day since the cat litter kept getting scratched owt of the shallow makeshift litter box, and the food and water was always getting spilled. Then the momma wuz let owt to explore a bit and we got to meet her. She touched noses wiff me and Blackie and Tiger but Tiger HISSED at her. Pumpkin duzzent want to come neer her. She seems to be a nice poodin. She effen layed down next to me.
Then the kitten wuz let owt. Tiger made the mistake of getting too close to the kitten and the momma CHASED him hissing and spitting all the way. He had to run fur his life! THAT shood teach him to hiss at her! They dint like being locked up back in the cage so as ov Sataday, thare loose in the patio.
But Pumpkin is still staying far away frum them.

Labels: momma cat and kitten
Two More Cats?
Pumpkin's Momma here: My sister Leona did it again! On Monday, she "captured" a pretty, friendly, feral momma cat and her kitten who were hanging out in her yard (the same yard where she found Pumpkin), with the intention of turning them over to a no-kill shelter to find forever homes for them.
However, since the kitten isn't old enough to be weaned yet, the shelter won't take them. So guess where they ended up? Yep, you guessed right if you said our house.
She says this is just temporary. We just need to keep them until the kitten is old enough to be weaned. But I have a sneaking suspicion they might be permanent residents. Pumpkin and Tiger are not happy AT ALL! Pumpkin, in particular, is keeping as much distance as possible between himself and the intruders in the patio.
Blackie's cage has been comandeered to house the new cats since we don't know if the mother will attack the other cats to protect her baby.
Blackie doesn't seem to mind too much but she's not happy that she gets booted off whenever I have to feed the cats or scoop the litter box since the cage opens from the top.
Leona thinks the kitten is male. I think it's female.
I'll have to take a closer look again but the poor thing is just CRAWLING with fleas! We treated the mother with Advantage but the kitten is too little and we'll need to keep using the flea comb on him (or her). Pumpkin, Tiger, Bebe and Blackie are due for their monthly flea treatment too which I'll need to do to keep them from catching the kitten's fleas. So, for now, we're a 6-cat household!
Labels: intruders, momma cat and kitten, new cats
Happy Mother's Day!
To all the Momma Poodins and Momma Beans:

Labels: Happy Mohter's Day
Noo Brush
Since I don't like to be brushed wiff the wire brush and I put the bitey on Momma AND the brush when she yooses it on me, she bawt a noo pet brush to see if I liked it better.
It's also supposed to keep me frum shedding furs all offur Momma, the carpet, the bed and the cowch.
She used the rake side furst and took off a bunch of furs.
Afore she cood use the comb side, I put the bitey on it and runned away. Nope, no way wuz she gonna take any more ov mine furs off!
Then she yoosed it on Blackie. Blackie LIKES brushing and let Momma take a LOT ov her furs off.
Momma cood haff kept brushing her but she stopped afore Blackie looked like Dragonheart and Merlin. Labels: Momma keeps trying to steal mine furs, no brushing fur me, noo brush
Idol Watching
Momma likes to watch Mericky Idol efurry Toosday and then spends lots of mine petting time pushing buttons on the foney macheen. She sez shes voting fur her favrit singer. I sumtimes watch wiff her.
She's finks wun of the Davids will win. I fink she's rite. (But I hope yung David wins!)
Labels: Mericky Idol
Wordless Wenzday

Labels: bloo eyes, wordless Wenzday
Bizzy Tung
I keep my tung vurry bizzy.
Heer's mine tung cleening mine toes.
And mine tung tickling mine noze.
And heer's mine tung on mine tummy!
Momma sez it's a mirakul that I don't hack up hairballs like Blackie and Bebe duz. Labels: no hairballs fur me, toes, tummy, tung
Man Cat Monday
Heh, The Lady just realized that mine nose spot is spreading. I can't tell cuz I can't see it but look at these pikchurs. When I wuz a baby poodin, I just had 2 small spots.
When I wuz 4, mine noze wuz still more pink than grey.
By the time I wuz 9, the grey had spread.
And now, mine noze is almost all grey.
I gess eventually, Pumpkin will be the only poodin in this howse wiff a pink noze.
Labels: Bebe's spotty noze, mancat Monday