Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hehehe, Momma finks it's purty funny that the name of the turkey that Purrsident Bush pardoned this year is named.... PUMPKIN!

I gess thare not gonna make PIE owt of both of us either!


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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Werdless Wenzday - Baby Pumpkin

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ticked Off Tabby

Momma hazzent bin helping me blog vury much. She's too bizzy playing wiff her noo toy! She bawt herself a reeding macheen frum that Amazon place that she gets books and moovees frum and she's spending all her time REEDING! I wanna bizit mine furrends and find owt what's going on wiff them! Put that Kindle fing away! Oh, she put a book on her Kindle called The Magical Chrismas Cat.
But it duzzent haff any pikchurs and I don't fink thare are any REEL poodins in the stories. Momma, yoo can't spend ALL yore time reeding! Yoo need to save sum time to help me blog!

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordless Wenzday

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Mancat Weekly Report

I'm happy to report that Penny hazzent peed on the cowch or love seat since last Sataday so hopefully she's dun wiff doing that.

Penny's stitches wuzzent dissolving on thare own so Momma cut and pulled them owt herownself. OWCH!

Sophie is STILL letting Penny nurse on her effen tho Penny is purty much a grownup lady cat at seven munths old.

We got flee medicins putted on owr neks. Bummer!

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Floofy Friday

NOT Floofy. Floofy.
NOT Floofy.
NOT Floofy.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wordless Wenzday - Sophie

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sophie's Tummy & Toes

Sophie's tummy furs has all grown back afta her ladygardenectomy. In August she had a bare tummy.
Now she has a fuzzy tummy agin. She's the only calico poodin in this howse. She effen has calico toes!

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Mancat Weekend Report

Sum kittys were bad this weekend. Penny peed on the cowch agin on Sataday. Grandmaw wuz mad as h*ll and woke up Momma and told her Penny had to go to the pownd. Momma finks that the stuff she uses to cleen the cushions isn't werking good enuff and wants to get them cleened by purr-feshunal cleeners. Penny better keep her pee OFF the cowch and IN the litterbox if she knows what's good fur her.

Tiger picked a fite wiff Penny. Maybe he wuz mad at her cuz she peed on his love seat cushion. Penny is REELY LOWD when she's mad but she wuzzent hurt.

Bebe unrolled the toilet paper agin. The beans need to lern not to leeve any part hanging down cuz Bebe will see it and pull it and start the unrolling.

I wuz good. I don't know why Grandmaw duzzent like it when I lie on the kitchen table. Nobody wuz using it at the time!

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wordless White Whiskers

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Uh oh, SOMEKITTY is peeing on the cowch. SOMEKITTY mite need to find a noo home! That SOMEKITTY mite be PENNY!

Mom Linda here: It's true, we might need to find a new home for Penny. She went into heat a week before her appointment for her spay surgery and was marking all the couch and love seat cushions in the living room. I actually witnessed her scratching the cushion and then squatting and yelled at her but she left a puddle behind when she jumped down. We hoped this behavior would stop once she was spayed, but there's been 3 "accidents" since her surgery 2 weeks ago. Nobody's actually seen Penny doing this and I suppose it COULD be another cat who's marking the cushions but Penny is the one being blamed. I'm really hoping the peeing stops since I would hate to give up Penny but we don't know what else to do. Any suggestions would be welcome!

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Midnight Monday

I'm glad that Halloween is offur.
Tho small beans don't come to owr howse to ask fur candy, the humans like to play "dress up" and fink that poodins want to play this game too. NOPE, NOT HAPPENIN! But they got Benson to play. Stoopid woofie let them get away wiff THIS:

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