Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two Tales on Tuesday

Here is mine big floofy ginger tale next to Sophie's skinny short calico tale.
Momma cawt us lying on her bed butt to butt.
See, she's always following me arownd! When I try to nap on Momma's bed, Sophie jumps up on the bed too.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Midnight Monday Update

Blackie is feeling better and isn't hiding all the time but is sleeping on her cage wiff me agin. She's still purrty skinny, but she's asking fur stinky goodness in the morning tho she duzzent eat vury much. Grandpaw saw her running arownd the patio so I gess she's not kwite reddy fur The Bridge yet.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wenzday - Yung Pumpkin

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Tales

Sumdays, mine tale looks LOTS floofier than on other days. Last nite, mine tale looked like THIS. (Pleese ignore the yak spots on the patio carpet. I dint do this, Blackie and Bebe did.)
But just last week, mine tale looked like THIS. (And I wuzzent skeered and trying to make it poofier.)

I guess it must be the camera angle that makes mine tale look diffrent.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Midnight Monday

These days I'm not feeling so good. I'm old. Maybe 20 yeers old. The beans got werried when I dint want to eet and my poop turned messy and took me to the V.E.T. 2 weeks ago. She stole sum of mine blud and gave me flooids and washed mine stinky butt and sold Grandpaw spechul stinky goodness but I still don't have much of an appetite. The tests dint find anyfing reely bad and I dint haff an infekshun. So maybe it's just that I'm vury old. I spend most of mine time sleeping behind the cowch in the patio but I bin feeling a little bit better and bin going on mine cage agin.
Yup, I can still get up heer on mine own. The beans just need to leeve me alone and if I want to eet, then I'll eet. I DID eet 2 Tem-tay-shuns yestaday and a little bit of stinky goodness. But I mostly want to sleep. And I DON'T want to go back to the V.E.T. When it's time, I'll quietly go to The Bridge ware I'll see Emily and Molly and Shirley and Jennifer and Snugglepuss and Snookums agin.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Flashback Friday

I've bin heer 12 yeers and I've seen a lot of poodins come and go. Wun of mine bestest napping buddies wuz Snookums. She wuz big and floofy and almost the same color as me. Tiger liked to hang owt wiff her when he wuz yung.And Pumpkin wanted to play wiff her all the time (but she wuzzen't too happy abowt that.)
She went to The Bridge 3 yeers ago and we still miss her.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wenzday - Sophie

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

It's St. Patrick's Day today, and since I don't wanna get pinched, I gotta ware the green jester collar. Sophie is safe cuz she has green eyes, but she's nosy and got in the way of the flashy box. *sigh* I feel so stoopid but I let Momma take mine pikchur.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Mancat Monday

I kinda like the way that the noo dark brown cowch makes a purrfect backgrownd fur mine floofy ginger and white furs! Mine furs don't stick too much to the microfiber surface, but when Sammie the woofie bizits, Grandmaw puts on towels so that she duzzent get it dirty wiff her owtdoor woofie feets but it duzzent look as nice.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wordless Wenzday

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Monday, March 09, 2009

Mancat Monday

The back of the love seat is a good place to stretch owt.
Effen Sammie the woofie likes to lie heer when she's biziting so that she can look owt the window.

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Friday, March 06, 2009

Frisky Friday

Yep, I admit it. I like to jump up reely high and bownce off the wall when I'm running down this hallway.
But last week a big splinter in the wall grabbed off a bunch of mine floofy fur!

Yoo can see frum this pikchur how high above Sophie mine bunch of furs wuz stuck. Momma laffed, took her pikchurs, and fixed the splinter so that it can't grab me agin. Yoo need to be careful when jumping at walls cuz sumtimes, it fites back!

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Wordless Wenzday


Monday, March 02, 2009

Mancat Hangowt

Me, Bebe and Tiger bin spending LOTS of napping time on Granpaw and Granmaw's bed. Heer's me and Bebe. And heer's me and Tiger.
And finally, heer's Tiger and Bebe. Sophie hazzen't tried to join us and Blackie NEFFER comes in the howse, so this bed is owr mancat hangowt. But all three of us haffen't shared the bed at the same time. At leest, not yet!

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