A. Name four places you have lived
1. Owtside neer tha airport
2. Owtside Aunty Laura's howse
3. The howse I live inside now wiff Pumpkin, Bebe and Tiger
4. The Lady's Momma wanted to send me to the pownd cuz I peed on the patio cowch on Friday but I'Z NOT GOING!
B. Four things I love to watch
1. The othur kittys below frum mine cage above
2. The Lady putting mine stinky goodness in the bowl
3. The Lady's Momma taking care of her plants owtside
C. Four places I have been outside my home
1. The V.E.T.
2. The Lady carried me in the garaj fur 5 seconds before putting me back inside
3. The Humane Society to get mine micro chip put in mine nek
3. Aunty Pat's howse fur a
sleepover when owr howse wuz tented to kill the bugs in the walls
E. Four of my favorite foods.
1. Tem-tay-shuns!
2. Stinky goodness
3. Chikun
4. Stake
F. Four places I would rather be right now
1. Not in the same room wiff Tiger
2. In a patch of FRESH catnip
G. Four toys I have owned and played with
1. Catnip bag
2. Fev-ver catnip carrot
3. Furry mousie
4. Catnip fishie
H. Four nicknames people call me
1. Black cat
2. Black black
3. Pie pie face
4. The Halloween Cat
I. Regarding catnip
• Love it!
• It's nice
• Could take it or leave it
• Don't like it or can't have it
J. Regarding cat grass
• Love it!
• It's nice
• Could take it or leave it
• Don't like it or can't have it
• N/A - I've never tried it
K. First things I buy after winning the lottery
1. A catnip farm
2. An indoor fish pond
3. A tem-tay-shun dispenser so I can help mineself to tem-tay-shuns whenever I want sum
4. A ceeling high carpeted cat tree wiff platforms and hammocks
L. Four things I do besides eat, sleep and litter box
1. Beg to be brushed
2. Scratch on the scratching post
3. Roll on the catnip toys
4. Barf mine food back in the food bowl
M. Four things I want to do this summer
1. Find a new home fur Tiger
2. Lern how to open stinky goodness cans
N. My four most prized posessions that have limited value to anyone else
1. My cage
2. My catnip mousie
O. What I am going to do before tomorrow
1. Hide frum Tiger
2. Ask fur treats
3. Sleep behind the cowch
P. Which of the following is your favorite place to hide and play
• paper bags
• plastic bags
• boxes
• other (explain)behind the patio cowch
Q. Four other pets that my humans have had with me
1. Pumpkin
2. Bebe
3. Tiger
4. Quincy
R. Four furiends I tag to respond.
Lotz of kitties already gotted tagged but if yu haffen't, yu can play too. Just copy this list and paste it into a new post. Insert your own answers, pass it on, and leave me a comment. I hope you have fun! It is OK to skip some if you want.
Labels: Blackie, meme