Pumpkin: Hi, Bebe! What's this meeting abowt? Bebe: Pumpkin and Tiger, thare's a lizard on the wall behind the bookcase. Any ideas abowt how to get him? Tiger: I don't know. The bookcase is too big to move. Can yoo zap him wiff yore lazer eyes?
Bebe: I tried. It dint werk.
Pumpkin: I gess we'll just haff to get him the next time we see him.
The only time that Momma can get all 4 poodins in the same pikchur is when Grandmaw brings in owr pots of grass or when we get pinches of NIP. Momma saves the nip fur spechul times so we get grass more often but we luff owr grass!
I been sleeping on Blackie's cage at nite afta I fownd owt what a grate place this is. Yoo can see into the kitchen and all offur the patio frum up heer -- effen all the way across the room when Momma is werking at the compyooter on mine blog. So I'm fankful that Blackie is letting me share her cage wiff her. At leest I wuz until Blackie yakked up all offur the cage. Ewww! She's not just the Queen ov the patio, she's also the Queen ov the big yaks! Grandmaw had to do lawndry afta that!
Mine noo baby squillion is heer! He wuz sent by Cathy and Beau from the Green Wall Shelter all the way frum Nashville, Tennessee. Heer he is just owt of the box he rode in.
Hello, mine name is Pumpkin.
I fink we'll call yoo Sunny cuz yore brite and yellow and always smiling and happy.
Momma sed today iz Patrick's Day and we're supposed to ware green so we don't get pinched. Bebe and Tiger both haff green eyes so thare safe.
But Blackie and me got to ware the green jester collar (at leest fur a little wile.)
I heer that the beans are haffing a big block party Downtown neer the Irish pubs ware they drink green beer. This sownds weerd to me. I'm glad I'M not a bean. Happy St. Patrick's Day to efurryone!
This wuz made by Simon Tofield, the same bean who did Momma's favrit cartoon, Cat Man Do.
All us poodins get locked in the patio at nite. Bebe is the only wun who knows how to open the screen door but the beans put a pin in the door so it can't slide. No wun can heer me when I ask to be let in cuz I haff a reely tiny voice so I try hanging on the screen door. This duzzent make the door open but SUMTIMES this makes the pin drop owt. Hmmm, maybe Bebe and me can werk together to get the door open....
When it wuz my turn to try owt the noo snuggle that we got frum DKM this weekend, Momma wuz taking close-up pikchurs ov me and she noticed sumfing she neffer saw afore.
There is a speck of color in mine left eye and it's shaped like a little hart! How kewl is THAT?
If yoo look close enuff, you'll always see sumfing noo!
The man in the bloo shorts brawt a pakij fur Momma on Sataday. It wuz mine Pumpkin Spice snuggle that DKM made for the auction to help Jody Harmon who helps feral poodins find thare fureffer homes.
She effen inclooded 2 squiggles wiff the snuggle.
Tiger and Bebe showed up to smell the snuggle cuz inside the snuggle wuz.... NIP!
Tiger tryed to keep the snuggle fur himself, but I wuz the wun who ended up wiff it!
I'm a ginger kitty and I live wiff Tiger and Sophie as well as Benson, the woofie who lives owtside. We effen got owr vury own fev-ver maker, Quincy. Mine kitty momma losted me on 10/29/05 when I wuz 2-weeks-old and then I came to live wiff mine noo Momma. She sed I'm spoiled but I'm just SPESHUL!