Widebody Wednesday
Wide? Who sez I'm wide?
We've sent fev-vers to Grr, Missy and KC, Bubbles and Mrs. B, Oreo, Sia, and Victor and they had lotz of fun wiff them!
I want to wish efurry kitty, woofie, bunny, rattie, birdy and hooman a Happy Noo Yeer! Pumpkin wants to tell yu too but he's hiding under the Lady's bed.
I is scared!
Thare's nofink to be scared about.
The lowd noizes hurts mine eers! Effen Tiger is under a bed!
That's ware he USUALLY sleeps. And look, he's sleeping! Blackie's not scared and she's a GIRL!
But she'z OLD! And Suzy and Pluto are scared too. That'z why thare in the patio insted of owtside.
Look whut'z happening next door owtside rite now! It's scary!
Well, it IZ pretty noizy. Okay, yu can stay under the bed until it's not so lowd.
Okay, Bebe, I iz staying rite here.